Saturday, May 28, 2011

[KEAF2011 Artist] Han Bing


the Nouveau Riche Leads The People 2_Hanbing



Han Bing [China]

Han Bing (1974- ) grew up in an impoverished village in rural China. Moving to Beijing, he witnessed the harsh contrast between the urbanized "Chinese dream" propelling the nation's struggle to become "modern," and the cruel realities of those left behind, or trodden underfoot in this stampede. As a clarion voice from the "new contemporary art of the everyday" in the "globalized, post-colonial context," Han Bing expresses the struggles and desires in the "theater of modernization." His works use photography, video and multimedia performance installation to invert quotidian practice, making us rethink the order of things and the human condition. Han Bing's art manifests a kind of amor mundi—love of the world—investing ordinary objects from everyday life with a subtle sense of the sacred. Prominent contemporary art exhibitions across Europe, Asia and the US have featured his work.

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