Monday, April 18, 2011

Korea Experimental Art Festival 2011 (1) The Aim for KEAF

The main purpose and aim for KEAF

2011 Korea Experimental Art Festival (KEAF), the Korean largest international experimental art festival, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. 2011 KEAF will play an important role to imprint Hongdae area in Korea as the international art city by presenting various experimental arts based on ‘Performance Art’, the most diversified form of arts, with over 300 experimental artists from 17 different countries.

In particular, ‘KEAF- Create an Art City Project’ which has been progressing as a three year plan since 2009 continues as 2011 ‘Create an Art City Project- Extension’ from 2009 ‘Create an Art City Project-_ ‘, 2010 ‘Create an Art City Project- Docking’ and we push the project forward to make Hongdae area as Mecca of the experimental art.

‘Create an Art City Project 2009~2011’ declares the potential of Hongdae culture, expands the cultural value that ‘Experimental arts’ has with a performance arts base and seeks for the method to create an autogenous value through the festival with a city marketing perspective and activate arts and culture in everyday life. 2011 KEAF is the final version of the three year project.

Based on the fundamentals created over past two years, the 10th KEAF <Create an Art City Project- Extension> expects to play a crucial role to extend its boundary not only to art spaces but to daily places as the cultural space and redefine spatial, regional, genre and conceptual meaning of arts.

The aims of the 2009-2011 three year project

-Settle Hongdae area as Mecca of the international art city and landmark it as a distinctive city of culture and tourism.

-With its spatial identity of Hongdae, seek for the new alternates for arts ecology discovery and local culture development.

-Understand the cultural value of the art city and encourage local residents’ participation and support for future development plan.

-Analyze creativity revelation of artists with multilateral perspectives and suggest the possibility of city marketing through operation.

-Conceptualize performance art as a genre of arts form.

-Diversify arts with more professional experimental artists and manias.

Also, the 10th Korea Experimental Art Festival (KEAF) will,

-Create the fundamental for performance theater and museum

-Create the educational environment for training students for Korean performance arts.

-Create the real festival for the festival people (artists, volunteers and spectators) and expand the boundary of arts with festival programs.

Festival details


-Date: July 20th~ July 28th, 2011 (for 9 days)

-Place: All around Hongdae area (Theater Zero, Seogyo Art Center, Streets, Sangsang Madang, Clubs, Galleries, Cafes)

-Organized by Korea Performance Art Spirit (KoPAS)

-Run by the management committee of Korea Experimental Art Festival

-Participating countries: Estonia, Latvia, Norway, Australia, England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Israel, China, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Netherland, South Korea, Philippine

-Sister Festival: Estonia& Latvia DIVERSEUNIVERSE, Germany International Printer and Performance Festival

Switzerland Kaskadenkondensator Berlin, France MixartMyrys, TerreBlanque

-Supported by Arts Council Korea, foreign Embassies

-Sponsored by KT&G, Carrot Korea, Jinro, Hite Beer

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